Hamer Environmental comprises research and environmental professionals including wildlife and fish biologists, hydrology and soil scientists, plant ecologists and database management specialists. An experienced technical staff supports our services. Our associations with professionals in other fields enable us to conduct comprehensive interdisciplinary studies and broad-scope habitat conservation/management plans.

Nathan Goodman, CEO and NEPA/Environmental Compliance Specialist
Mr. Goodman has 20 years of experience in the environmental field, both in the Federal Government as well as the private sector. Mr. Goodman’s career has taken him to over 40 states where he has worked on National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) matters, energy policy, environmental compliance, environmental policy, and renewable energy projects. Mr. Goodman also served for over 9 years as a certified COR project manager for the Federal Government and has technical expertise in a wide range of environmental projects, from NEPA and National Historic Preservation Act compliance to ecological resources and wetland delineation. He has led traditional cultural property surveys, worked on aquatic biological surveys of anadromous fish, and completed EPT benthic macroinvertebrate studies. He also has testified extensively before the Atomic Safety Licensing Board and several U.S. Federal District Courts to support the work of the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Mr. Goodman obtained his M.S. from Johns Hopkins University and is B.S. from Muhlenberg College. When he’s not working to save the planet, he enjoys hiking, rock climbing, and spending time with his wife Amy and daughter Sidney.

Thomas E. Hamer, M.S., Director/Wildlife Biologist
Tom Hamer has 35 years of experience in environmental compliance, environmental studies, avian and wildlife research, determinations of impacts to threatened and endangered species and natural resource management in the western U.S. He has conducted threatened and endangered species studies in Montana, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii involving a variety of natural resources. Since 1992 Tom has provided environmental consulting services to energy companies, private industries and has worked with state and federal agencies throughout the U.S. on a variety of environmental issues. He has conducted environmental studies and impact assessments for numerous renewable energy projects since 2000, including wind, solar and geothermal projects. He specializes in analyzing potential impacts to resident birds, migratory birds, bats, and other natural resources. His experience as project manager includes providing services in compliance with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act (BGEPA), and involved consultations with the USFWS under Section 7 of the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
Mr. Hamer regularly leads projects requiring: review of site plans for the construction of facilities, developing study plans and conducting literature reviews, conducting broad-scale biological surveys/field studies and impact assessment studies, attending public and agency scoping meetings, taking public comment, categorizing and responding to comments, and development of environmental assessments (EA), environmental impact statements (EIS) and Biological Assessments (BA). He has been working on a variety of projects across the U.S. over the last 35 years, including research studies and projects assessing impacts to a large variety of biological resources including wetlands, threatened and endangered species, species of concern, rare plants, birds, bats, amphibians, listed fish, and other natural resources.

Adam Crispin, M.S. Candidate, PWS, Project Manager/Fisheries Scientist/Aquatic Ecologist
Adam has more than 8 years of experience conducting biological assessments and evaluations of wetlands and streams working for state agencies, non-profit organizations, and in the private sector as a consultant. Mr. Crispin has a wide range of expertise, including stream habitat assessment, population monitoring for amphibians and ESA-listed fish species, water quality monitoring, benthic macroinvertebrate taxonomy, and stream-bank restoration. He has also led watershed-scale GIS mapping projects in northern California with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW), with a focus on habitat loss, rural agriculture, and summer low-flow hydrologic modeling. Adam has led fish removal operations (e-fishing and seining) for ESA listed species, monitored large dam removal projects, and conducted fish passage evaluations. He has also completed population surveys for salmonids at key life-history stages including juvenile and adult dive surveys, spawner surveys, and redd surveys.
Adam also conducts wetland delineations and Biological Assessments, for freshwater and shoreline projects. Adam has completed a 40-hour wetland delineation training (Wetland Training Institute) and holds certificates for wetland plant and hydric soil identification from Department of Ecology. He is a certified forage fish biologist and has been trained by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. He is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Aquatic Ecology at Western Washington University.

Erin Colclazier, B.S., Plant Ecologist and Vice President
Erin Colclazier is a project manager and plant ecologist with over fourteen years of experience in botanical, watershed and biological research. For the past ten years, she has worked at Hamer Environmental managing numerous large-scale projects and studies for a variety of clients in Oregon, Washington, California and Hawaii. She has led a number of large-scale studies involving vegetation cover type mapping, rare plants (vascular and non-vascular species), noxious weeds, mycological surveys for rare fungi, wetland delineations, ratings and mitigation plans, Critical Area Ordinance designations, and habitat mapping for a variety of wildlife species. Erin has experience designing and implementing large scale restoration projects in the Columbia Basin as well as coastal environments. Her regular duties involved planning, coordinating, and managing multiple projects concurrently, as well as writing, designing and managing projects and budgets. Erin graduated with a B.S. degree in Environmental Science from Western Washington University. In addition to her botanical expertise, Erin has conducted research on birds, small mammals and terrestrial mollusks.

Matt Reed, B.S., Vice President and Senior Wildlife Biologist
Matt Reed has been working for Hamer Environmental as the Vice President and Senior Wildlife Biologist out of the Mount Vernon, Washington office since 2005. He specializes in managing and conducting small and large-scale avian, small mammal/bat, and forestry studies throughout the Western U.S. including habitat assessments/delineations, point counts, acoustic monitoring, and fish/wildlife/botanical species identification following species specific habitat and survey protocols. Matt is experienced in the local, state, and federal permitting process (NEPA and SEPA) and has authored and co-authored numerous NEPA and SEPA documents and reports. Matt is also a trained avian radar technician and has led and conducted numerous radar survey studies for migrating birds/bats, including Marbled Murrelets and endangered Hawaiian seabirds, throughout the Pacific Northwest and Hawaiian Islands. He is currently the chair of the Marbled Murrelet Technical Committee's Marine Subcommittee, which is studying the effects of changes in the marine environment to the threatened seabird. He received a B.S. in Wildlife Resources from the University of Idaho.

Cary V. Deringer, M.S., Wildlife Biologist
Cary Deringer has been working with Hamer Environmental since 2010 as a wildlife biologist in our Hilo, Hawai'i office. She has nearly 30 years of biological research and wildlife conservation experience in the private and public sectors. Her MS in Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Sciences is from the University of Hawai'i at Hilo, and her BA in Environmental Biology is from St. Mary's University in Minnesota. Cary specializes in multi-agency conservation projects for federally protected seabird, shorebird, sea turtle, and marine mammal species. Her background is diverse; she collaborated on both the Regional Risk Assessment and the Biosecurity Plan for Micronesia and Hawai'i, collected data on breeding seabird and shorebird species in remote areas and islands of Alaska and Hawai'i, managed the natural resources in seven state coastal parks as a district biologist in Florida, and lived for extended periods offshore aboard various vessels in the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. east coast Atlantic, and the North Pacific Ocean. Cary is also a trained avian radar technician who has participated in, as well as led, research projects to study nocturnal seabirds throughout the Hawaiian Islands.

Steve Crane, B.S., Wildlife Biologist and Project Manager
Steve Crane is a wildlife biologist and project manager in the Portland office, with ten years' experience conducting wildlife research across the western U.S. Steve received a B.S. in Environmental Biology from Plymouth State University in New Hampshire in 2008, and first joined Hamer Environmental as a field technician in 2012. His primary expertise is in avian research, particularly seabirds and raptors, and his experience includes habitat assessments, acoustic monitoring, raptor nest entry, and aerial surveying. He has also led crews and managed projects for a variety of clients in the Pacific Northwest. In addition to ornithology, Steve has studied marine mammals, ungulates, terrestrial mollusks, and participated in numerous forestry projects.

Kendra Ritchie, M.S., GIS Analyst and Research Biologist
Kendra Ritchie has been with Hamer since April 2019. As GIS Analyst, Kendra has worked to create maps, perform spatial analyses, oversee data management, and develop map templates for a variety of projects such as wetland delineations, mitigation plans, watershed monitoring, renewable energy projects, construction projects, and research studies. As a Research Biologist, she has conducted a large variety of biological inventories including surveys for terrestrial mollusks, marbled murrelets, and has participated in watershed and rangeland monitoring projects. Kendra earned her B.S. in Ecology, Behavior and Evolution from University of California San Diego, her M.S. in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation Biology from San Francisco State University, and will be completing a GIS Certificate from Portland Community College in 2020. Prior to her work with Hamer, Kendra has over 7 years of experience conducting biological surveys. She was the Biological Intern with the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission, Natural Resources and Land Management Department for 2 years, working on a variety of conservation and mitigation projects for native fish, amphibians, and other wildlife and well as performing limnology, water quality, and stream flow monitoring. When she is not making maps or in the field, Kendra enjoys practicing yoga, baking sweet treats, going for hikes with her partner Matt and their dog Riley, and hosting raucous game nights.

Candice Trusty, B.S., Environmental Scientist and Wetland Specialist
Candice Trusty earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science with an emphasis in Freshwater Ecology from Western Washington University. She has over three years of experience conducting biological surveys and collecting field data for federal and state agencies, and non-profit organizations. Candice began working for Hamer Environmental in 2018 for their Wetland and Fisheries Division. Her work focuses on the assessment and delineation of wetlands and fish & wildlife habitat areas, and the associated critical areas and habitat assessment reports. Prior to Hamer, Candice was a contracted Fisheries Biological Technician for NOAA Fisheries where she conducted beach seining sample collection of juvenile Chinook salmon on the lower Columbia River and performed invertebrate identification of salmon prey. Candice also has experience in riparian habitat restoration and monitoring, fish sample collection using backpack electroshocking, and conducting bivalve, amphibian, and salmon spawning surveys.

Brady Green, M.S., Fisheries and Aquatic Biologist
Brady Green has a BSc. in Biology/Ecology and a B.Sc. Fish/Wildlife Biology from California State University in Sacramento, CA and a M.Sc. in Aquatic/Fish Biology from the same university. Brady has over 45 years of experience in aquatic and fisheries sciences, worked as an aquatic biologist with federal and state natural resource agencies, is a 46-year member of The American Fisheries Society (WA/BC Chapter AFS) and a Northwest Scientific Association member for 14 years. He has extensive fisheries and aquatic habitat experience in aquatic ecosystems of California, Oregon, and Washington. Brady was a Fisheries and Aquatic Biologist for the USFS from 1977 thru 2003, where he spent time working for the Ashley National Forest (Utah), Malheur National Forest (Oregon), and the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest (Washington). On the Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, Brady conducted numerous (8-10 per year) Biological Assessments and Biological Evaluations for Threatened and Endangered and USFS Sensitive fish species (Puget Sound Chinook, Puget Sound Steelhead, Coastal/Puget Sound Bull trout, etc.) for watershed and fish restoration projects, in addition to many other types of projects (timber sales, recreation, road, etc.).
Kristin Murray, M.S., PWS, CESCL, Project Manager & Wetland Scientist
Wetland and Fisheries Biologist
NEPA Specialist, BA author, fisheries biologist, mitigation planning, Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL).
Delphin Ruché, M.S.
Wildlife Studies. Entrepreneur. Lecturer. Author. International Experience.
Arctic Explorers (Norway)
Jacob P. Verschuyl, Ph.D
Biostatistician, Landscape Ecologist, Diurnal Avian Point Count Surveys, Wildlife Studies, Habitat Assessments, Technical Writing and Scientific Analysis.
Joshua Stumpf, M.S.
Bat Ecologist
Biostatistics, Indiana bats, Terrestrial mammals, Technical writing, GIS.
Lars Holmstrom, Ph.D.
Systems Scientist
Mathematical Modeling, Simulation, and Statistical Analysis.
Choogalab Consulting, Portland, OR
Peter C. Trenham, Ph.D.
Amphibian Conservation
Expert on Federal Endangered Species Act Consultations and the Federally Endangered California Tiger Salamander, Landscape-Scale Amphibian Population Ecology, Amphibian Survey and Monitoring Techniques, Population Estimation, Management Protocols, and Amphibian Radio Telemetry.
Mark V. Stalmaster, Ph.D.
Raptor Specialist
Development of Avian Protection Plans and Management Plans in Relation to Energy Development, Transmission Lines.
Vicki Friesen, Ph.D.
Molecular Biologist
Molecular Genetics, Population Genetics.
Tamre Cardoso, Ph.D.
Lorraine Read, M.S.
Sampling design and statistical power, Experimental design, Ecological/environmental modeling, Software/database development, Population dynamics.
TerraStat Consulting Group, Seattle WA
Jim Spickler
Wildlife Biologist/Tree-climber
Canopy Research, Radar Technician, Wildlife Research Biologist.
Eco-Ascension Research, Arcata, CA
Dan Varland, Ph.D.
Wildlife Research. Natural Resource Management. Forestry Initiative (SFI) Coordinator. Scientific Writer. Raptor Specialist.