"Hamer Environmental is a very professional organization. Any contract, large or small, is done with professionalism and expertise."
For over 26 years Hamer Environmental has been providing environmental services to federal and state agencies, private landowners and non-profit conservation organizations who manage and care for forest and range lands. Hamer Environmental provides a wide range of resource management and conservation planning services tailored to each client’s specific needs and the uniqueness of their landscape. We have conducted projects throughout Washington, Oregon and California. We have developed and are currently working on Habitat Conservation Plans for governmental agencies and private landowners. Our environmental scientists have conducted landscape level and watershed level inventories and analyses, and basin-wide planning. Our multi-disciplinary team combines in-depth understanding of the resource disciplines with on the ground experience in forest practices to yield an integrated approach to watershed analysis, basin planning, and landscape level ecosystem modeling. Our staff are knowledgeable about the federal, state, and local environmental laws that affect wildlife species and their habitats when planning timber harvest, road construction, rights-of-way, culvert replacements, conservation plans or other projects.
Our natural resource teams of wildlife and fisheries biologists, botanists, ecologists, landscape designers and wetland scientists provide professional services related to:

- Impact and Risk Assessments
- Fish and Wildlife Surveys
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
- Endangered Species Act Consultations
- Habitat Conservation Plans
- Watershed Analysis
- Rangeland Condition Assessments
- Habitat Assessments & Modeling
- Biological Evaluations & Assessments
- Mitigation and Adaptive Management Plans
- Biodiversity Studies
- Water Quality Sampling and Assessments
- NEPA and SEPA documentation
- Habitat Restoration and Mitigation Plans
- Integrated Use of GIS
- Wetland and Riparian Assessments
- Stream and Lake Assessments
Sample of Recently Completed Projects:
Development of a Habitat Conservation Plan, Long-Term Conservation Strategy and Draft EIS (NEPA/SEPA) Covering 1.1 Million Acres of WDNR Managed Lands, Washington. Washington Department of Natural Resources.
Scientific Review of the Mendocino Redwood Company Habitat Conservation Plan, California. Mendocino Redwood Company.
Development of a Habitat Models and Rating Systems for the Western (Tillamook) Oregon State Forest and Elliot State Forest. Oregon Department of Forestry.
Habitat Suitability Assessments and Habitat Projection Models for Northern Spotted Owls, Marbled Murrelets, Humboldt Pine Marten, Pacific Fisher and California Condor along the Lower Klamath River for a Conservation Plan on 45,000 Acres of Managed Forest, California. Western Rivers Conservancy and Yurok Tribe.
Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys, Surveys for Species of Concern, and Habitat Assessments on Forest and Range Lands, Washington, Oregon and California. BLM, USFS, NPS, Western Rivers Conservancy, Weyerhaeuser, Green Diamond, Rayonier Forest Resources, Bloedel Timber, Hancock Forest Resources, WDNR, Lummi Tribe, Swinomish Tribe, Siletz Tribe, Grand Ronde Tribe, and others.
Comprehensive Watershed, Stream and Riparian Monitoring for East-Side Rangelands, Oregon. Bureau of Land Management.