Hamer Environmental is here to help you develop and manage your projects while protecting natural resources and managing risk. Our staff delivers experience and professionalism that can save you time and money with technically sound solutions that meet your unique project needs. With professionals experienced in environmental consulting and mitigation services, we can be part of the due diligence process and offer the services below:
- Siting/Routing/Constraint and Route Feasibility Studies
- Wildlife Habitat Suitability Assessments
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
- Rare Plant Surveys and Mapping/Control Plans for Noxious Weed Populations
- Resource Protection Plans
- Wetland Surveys and Permits
- Waters of the U.S. Delineation
- Cover Typing of Essential Wildlife Habitats
- Mitigation and Monitoring Plans
- Mapping and GIS support

Sample of Recently Completed Projects:
Long-Term Monitoring of Marbled Murrelet Populations Using Radar and Audio-Visual Surveys at Inland Sites in the Santa Cruz Mountains of Central California for an Oil Spill Restoration Project. Apex Houston Oil Spill Trustee Council, California Dept. of Fish and Game, and Sempervirens Fund.
Wildlife Habitat Assessments and Habitat Modeling for Assessment of Impacts by a Planned Small Hydro Project and Associated Penstock, North Cascades, Washington. Hydro West.
Assessing Impacts to Pelagic Seabirds from Light Attraction at Offshore Oil Platforms in the Santa Barbara Channel of Southern California. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM), Environmental Studies Program.
Quantification of Seasonal Light Emittance Levels at Offshore and Onshore Oil and Gas Facilities in Eastern Canada for an Assessment of Avian Light Attraction and Mortality Risk. Canadian Wildlife Service.
Evaluation of Impacts to Marbled Murrelet Habitat and a Nesting/Wintering Bald Eagle Population from the Construction of a Natural Gas Pipeline. Northwest Natural Gas.
Oil Spill Restoration Project: Using Radar to Assess and Monitor Seabird Populations in the Channel Islands of Southern California. American Trader Oil Spill Trustee Council Office of Spill Prevention and Response and California Dept of Fish and Game.