Our staff has extensive experience working collaboratively with engineers, construction staff, and project owners to ensure environmental compliance during construction activities. We can also provide services when habitat restoration or mitigation planning is required. We have conducted a variety of environmental studies and environmental monitoring for marine and terrestrial construction projects near shoreline and estuarine habitats, intertidal zones, pelagic zones and habitats in a variety of terrestrial sites. Our team of creative and innovative scientists takes pride in performing a wide variety of environmental studies, impact assessments, monitoring and documentation related to:
- Marine Shoreline Developments
- Marine Construction Projects
- Bridge and Pier Construction
- Communication Towers
- Transmission Lines
- Road and Highway Construction
- Culvert Replacements
- Fish Passage Projects
- Fiber Optic Cables
- Energy Infrastructure Development
- Housing and Commercial Real Estate Developments
Our natural resource teams include wildlife and fisheries biologists, botanists, ecologists, restoration specialists, landscape designers, erosion control specialists, and professional wetland scientists. We provide professional services related to:
"Congratulations to the team for finishing this challenging project! My thanks to everyone for their flexibility and understanding with the contractor's changing schedule. Also, my thanks for enduring the long hours and inclement weather. WSDOT was extremely satisfied with your performance on this project!"
- Offshore Marine Surveys & Monitoring
- Impact and Risk Assessments
- Threatened and Endangered Species
- Endangered Species Act Consultations
- Biological Evaluations & Assessments
- Habitat Assessments & Modeling
- Mitigation Plans
- Water Quality Sampling and Assessments
- Stream and Lake Assessments
- Environmental Monitoring
- Adaptive Management Plans
- NEPA and SEPA documentation
- Siting Studies and Permitting Assistance
- Habitat Restoration Plans
- Fish Exclusion/Fish Handling
- Fish Diversion Review
- Integrated Use of GIS
- Pre and Post-Construction Monitoring
- Wetland and Riparian Assessments
- Environmental Site Assessments
Sample of Recently Completed Projects:
Road and highway emergency relief repair project for Federally owned roads (ERFO). NEPA and ESA environmental compliance at 50 sites, Washington. USDA Forest Service, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest.
Māmalahoa Highway road repair and widening project and ESA environmental compliance, Hawaii. Goodfellow Brothers construction and design-build and Dept. of Public Works, County of Hawaii.
Pacific Direct Current Intertie (Pdci) transmission line upgrade construction project: Eastern Oregon from the Dalles to Lakeview, Oregon (265 miles). HDR & Bonneville Power Administration.
Pre- and post-construction monitoring: seabird and marine mammal monitoring to assess potential impacts from construction of Manette Bridge, Bremerton, Washington. Washington Department of Transportation and David Evans and Associates.