Hamer Environmental has been conducting biological assessments and environmental studies throughout the Hawaiian Islands since 2006. Hamer Environmental frequently works with federal and state regulatory agencies, counties, public utilities and private companies to assess project impacts. We have recognized the uniqueness of the Hawaiian Islands and have customized our services to assess potential project impacts to the islands' native wildlife and botanical species. We tailor our projects to address Hawaii's unique environmental concerns. Our projects in Hawaii have ranged from cell tower, meteorological and radio tower, and wind power developments to assessing impacts of existing transmission lines and highway construction to inland nesting seabirds. We oversee all parts of the development planning process from initial environmental screenings and biological assessment studies to permitting. We also provide the preparation of NEPA documents and expert formal and informal consultations with state and federal agencies. Our project managers ensure that a quality product is delivered on time and within budgets. Because we are a certified small business, our low overhead results in highly competitive rates while providing personalized services.
Services Provided
- Environmental Site Screening
- Biological Assessments and NEPA Documentation
- Environmental Studies
- Ornithological Studies
- Avian Radar Studies
- Threatened and Endangered Seabird Studies
- Avian Point Counts
- Risk of Collision Modeling and Impact Assessments
- Wildlife Studies
- Bats - Visual and Acoustic Studies
- Mammal Use/Presence Studies
- Invertebrate and Host Plant Studies
- Botanical Inventories
- Wetland Mapping
- Ornithological Studies
- Permitting and Authorizations
Sample of Recently Completed Projects:
Environmental Assessment, Biological Assessment and Mitigation Plan for Mouse Eradication Project on Midway Island, Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, US Fish and Wildlife.
Use of ornithological radar and risk of collision modeling to assess impacts to the Newell's Shearwater, Hawaiian Petrel, Hawaiian Goose and Hawaiian Hoary Bat at a proposed wind energy project on Maui, Sempra Energy.
Rare plant, noxious weed, avian point count and use of ornithological radar to assess impacts at a proposed development project, Molokai, Pattern Energy.
Ornithological radar and audio-visual observers to assess light attraction and collision risk of seabirds on the Pacific Missile Range Facility and Airfield, Kauai, NAVFAC Hawaii and Helber Hastert & Fee Planners.
Use of ornithological radar and audio-visual observers to assess impacts to the Newell's Shearwater, Hawaiian Petrel, Hawaiian Goose and Hawaiian Hoary Bat at nine proposed cell tower sites, Oahu, Hawaii and Kauai, Verizon Wireless.
Biological surveys and assessment of impacts for rare plants, Hawaiian Goose, Hawaiian Hawk, Hawaiian Hoary Bat, Newell's Shearwater, Hawaiian Petrel, and Ohia tree for the Mamalaoha highway construction project, Big Island, Hawaii. Goodfellow Brothers Construction.
Use of ornithological radar and audio-visual observers to assess impacts to the Newell's Shearwater, Hawaiian Petrel, Hawaiian Goose and Hawaiian Hoary Bat at proposed wind energy projects on the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii, Shell WindEnergy.
Use of ornithological radar and audio-visual observers to assess risk of collision of the Newell's Shearwater and Hawaiian Petrel with existing transmission lines, Kauai, Kauai Island Utility Cooperative.
Assessment of impacts to the Newell's Shearwater, Hawaiian Petrel, Hawaiian Goose and Hawaiian Hoary Bat from a proposed meteorological tower, Oahu, Hawaiian Electric Company.