Hamer Environmental, L.P. is a small Washington based, multi-disciplinary environmental consulting firm, whose mission is to provide natural resource consulting services to industry and government. Established in 1992, Hamer Environmental L.P. provides a full range of environmental services.
Principal Services Offered
- Consulting for Wind Energy, Hydroelectric, and Oil Spill Restoration Projects
- Wildlife and Botanical Surveys and Research
- Sensitive, Threatened, and Endangered Species Assessments and Conservation Plans
- Habitat Conservation Planning Assistance (HCP)
- Habitat Analysis and Habitat Modeling
- Environmental Impact Analysis
- Watershed Analysis, Rehabilitation, Inventories and Management Planning
- Surface Water Hydrology, Water Quality, and Erosion Control
- Wetland and Stream Delineation, Mitigation, and Restoration
- Endangered Species Act Consultation and Biological Assessment Preparation
- Permit Assistance and Preparation
Hamer Environmental continues to grow; we have conducted international consulting expedition to Hokkaido, Japan, continue to conduct projects in France, Canada the Hawaiian Islands, and throughout the continental U.S. As we continue to expand the environmental services we offer, our primary goal remains unchanged. This goal is to provide personalized service and innovative approaches to environmental issues while keeping costs to our clients at a minimum. This website will inform you of the services we offer, our past clients, projects completed, and personnel. Please contact us if you have additional questions or require more detailed information.
Browse our brochures and Capability Statements (PDF format):